For the love of all things green and running!!

I finished!!!
We finished!!
Shamrock Weekend was a success!!
Plus I got a new PR!!!
I had been really excited for this weekend for awhile. Even though I was super undertrained and sort of dreading the Half. It was a really great weekend. Just the atmosphere there is pretty awesome. I've run the 8k before and love all the support! Plus the courses are flat and along the beach. Other then the winds off of the ocean, I can't complain!
After school on Friday I made my way down to the Oceanfront to check into our hotel and head over the expo to pick up our race packets for the weekend. The boyfriend wasn't going to be in till later so I wanted to make sure we'd be ready for Saturday morning. We were going to go to the expo after the 8k so he could check it out and possibly get some new sneakers.
The expo was great. But don't ever leave a girl unattended for a few hours in a place that's designed for runners to shop! I got a little spend happy!! What can I say, I enjoy buying running stuff both for myself and for Josh.
It was a good thing Josh showed up because I was spending way too much money.
After I made it back to the hotel to meet up with Josh, we went to meet up with some friends for dinner. I kinda liked how I wasn't prepared for the weekend so I wasn't too worried about what I was eating or how it would affect my running. I was just there to have fun.
I loved how they had all the course maps projected outside the expo.
Again - I didn't even notice that they changed the start line.
We made our way from the hotel to the start line for the 8k. We even met up with my friend Michelle who was walking with her friends to the start line. Even though I had scoured the Shamrock Marathon page, I never really paid attention to the fact that they moved the corrals. No worries though, we found the new spot without a problem. The 8k is growing in popularity so I can see why they had to move it to a wider street for the start.
Check out all the green at the start line of the 8k!
I was thankful that I bought myself a new windbreaker the day before at the expo because it was a little chilly and windy at the start. I warmed up at the end and had my jacket tied around my waist, but it's a light one so it wasn't as bulky as some of the other stuff I've worn in the past. Secretly I think my bf was happy he didn't have to hold it for me. Overall the race was great. Josh again stayed with the me the whole time, and we trotted along. I even saw and gave a shout out to a spectator with Kutztown sweatshirt on! You don't find too many of those in VA!! I know I'm no where near my PR shape so I wasn't trying to push myself. I just wanted to finish decently and not hurt myself as we prepared for the half the next day. Of course the only time we take a short walk break around mile 4 for me to stretch out my shoulder, was where the photographer was!!
I finished one minute slower then my time last year and about 7 minutes off my PR. Like I've said - I don't always fancy myself to be a runner, but I am pretty proud of some of my accomplishments. So the fact that I pick up and go run 5 miles isn't too shabby for me.
Adding to my bling collection!!
Enjoying the warm weather and the beer tent!
I realized after my friend took the first picture that I still had my sunglasses on!
Don't you love my skirt!! It's my green sparkle skirt and my new shamrock skirt that my sister made for me.
Saturday afternoon Josh and I took showers, went out and had the longest (unintentional lunch) at Buffalo Wild Wings, wandered around the expo, took naps, and had dinner at a little Italian place by our hotel. (Only after attempting to go to Waterman's - but they had a 1hr 30min wait at 7:30pm! I wanted more sleep for Sunday then I did an orange crush.)
We were happily in bed by 10 and getting ready for our early wake up at 5:30 the next morning.
I always like to lay out my outfit the night before. I really need to start taking pictures of it like I see so many other runners doing! Next race!
Finally! The day I was dreading!
Mentally I said I could do it.
I had to convince both my mind and my body to come together to get as much of the half done as possible. I was hoping that what I lacked in physicality I could make up in mental strength. After all, Josh was going to be with me and I do pretty good when he's running beside me.
The temps were much cooler then Saturday morning and the wind was pretty strong. Once again I was glad I had purchased my windbreaker on Friday. Josh even opted to wear pants it was so chilly. He usually only runs in shorts.
Making our way to the starting line.
We made our way to the start in front of the Cavalier Hotel. Lots of people were huddled in the parking garage for the nearby hotel, or anywhere they could get some shelter from the wind. The sun was almost up, but it was still pretty chilly. I'm glad I had Janet buy us some knit gloves we could toss if our hands got too warm. We definitely needed them!!
Off we go.....
There were two guys playing bagpipes right at the start. I've always loved that sound (even if I do refer to it as a cow dying slowly) because my Dad has played bagpipes on and off my entire life. You don't find too many pipers around so I'm pretty proud of him because of it.
Makes me love my heritage that much more. I jokingly told Josh that maybe I need my Dad to play next to me while I run so I can keep my pep up to the pipes!!
This was my first time running the Shamrock half, and I have to say I really enjoyed all of the crowd support. There were a lot of houses that had come out to cheer us on, and provide beer! It was a Shamrock race after all!
I think it was about mile 3-4 we saw the leaders on their turn around. It's a little discouraging when you see someone close to being finished and you still have a double digit mile count in front of you. But like I said a million times - I use the term runner loosely. So kudos for them and their speed! Slow still gets a medal.
Around mile 5 I had to stop to pee. The porta-potties at the start were really crowded and Josh doesn't particularly like crowds so I wasn't gong to chance it then. I picked a stop that I didn't think was too long. WRONG!! I stood there for what felt like forever! Come on ladies! Pee and get out!! It took so long Josh sat down! Needless to say when my Garmin ticked off the next mile it had slowed us down by 5 minutes. At this point thoughts of a PR were not in my head - but rather just keep running.
I don't know if I mentioned this but I didn't train for this race at all! I was so proud and jealous of my cousin (who also ran the race and rocked it!! Way to go Maddy!!) who posted all her awesome training runs on Facebook. I had good intentions of training - but life and the weather got in the way. I like to run - just not in the snow of 20 degree weather. I'm committed but not THAT committed. Any way, we made it to mile 7 and I was just gassed out. At that point the mental fatigue was setting in. While I know that Josh would've preferred to to just keep running - because it would be over faster, I did not. I needed to switch to the run5/walk2 combo I had promised myself after I had put in a good effort. And for no training and having had run the day before. 7 miles was a good enough effort for me.
So for the remaining 6 mile of the race we ran/walked. I was having some toe problems so the walking part was giving me enough time to recover and run again. In all honesty if Josh wasn't with me I would've caved and walked a mile or two - but because he was with me I kept up to my combo.
Around mile 9 or 10 we started to see the Marathoners making their way to the second half of their course! I guess one of the perks of being slow is that you get to see the front runners from every race! HAHA!
It was at mile 10 I started talking to Josh about a PR. He said we'd be cutting it close. I debated about it - but in the end said I could do it. I wish I had some miraculous story of how I turned it up a notch and hauled ass to the finish line with my hands raised in the air like I had just won the race - but I don't. I stuck to my same run5/walk2 combo. I had to conserve what little energy I had left. Not to mention the winds when we turned back to make our way to the boardwalk. The wind alone was enough to make me want to give up! But we made the last turn to the ocean front and the finish line was in sight. We had one more final walk break on the boardwalk and that was it - run it in. And we did.
I crossed the finish line at 2:58:10!!!
15 minutes better then my Crawlin Crab time from 2013!
I finally have a sub 3hr Half!
Granted I know that an almost 3hr Half Marathon is slow. I'm happy with it. I'm not sure I'll ever get fast enough to get to a 2hr Half time, but for now I'm content and have set the bar for the next long distance race. Train and run the whole thing.
I think it's a pretty simple and realistic goal.
After we finished we grabbed our goodies, snacks and Dolphin Medal and made our way to the gear check and back to the party tent. I had my eye on a finisher shirt, but because I took so long running - they sold out. :-(
Oh well - next year I'll have to run faster of find a non runner friend to get it for me when they open.
The tent was crowded, Josh and I were cold and didn't really feel like standing around and waiting for a beer, so we headed back to the hotel. Along the way we got to see some of the Marathoners still making their way along the course. Good for them - I have no desire to run a full. 3 hours is my maximum.
After we checked out of the hotel we met up with my sister, her hubby and my adorable nephew for lunch before Josh got back on the road to PA.
Overall it was a great weekend and one I'd like to do again.
But next time actually train.....
Not sure what my next race is going to be....but I've got to start doing some serious speed work to get my time down for the Disney Wine & Dine.
Josh and I were thinking our next half might be the Hershey Park Half in October.
Till then I have my sights set on doing some long runs in preparation for the Broad Street 10 Miler in Philly coming up May 4th.
Off we go.....
There were two guys playing bagpipes right at the start. I've always loved that sound (even if I do refer to it as a cow dying slowly) because my Dad has played bagpipes on and off my entire life. You don't find too many pipers around so I'm pretty proud of him because of it.
Makes me love my heritage that much more. I jokingly told Josh that maybe I need my Dad to play next to me while I run so I can keep my pep up to the pipes!!
This was my first time running the Shamrock half, and I have to say I really enjoyed all of the crowd support. There were a lot of houses that had come out to cheer us on, and provide beer! It was a Shamrock race after all!
I think it was about mile 3-4 we saw the leaders on their turn around. It's a little discouraging when you see someone close to being finished and you still have a double digit mile count in front of you. But like I said a million times - I use the term runner loosely. So kudos for them and their speed! Slow still gets a medal.
Around mile 5 I had to stop to pee. The porta-potties at the start were really crowded and Josh doesn't particularly like crowds so I wasn't gong to chance it then. I picked a stop that I didn't think was too long. WRONG!! I stood there for what felt like forever! Come on ladies! Pee and get out!! It took so long Josh sat down! Needless to say when my Garmin ticked off the next mile it had slowed us down by 5 minutes. At this point thoughts of a PR were not in my head - but rather just keep running.
I don't know if I mentioned this but I didn't train for this race at all! I was so proud and jealous of my cousin (who also ran the race and rocked it!! Way to go Maddy!!) who posted all her awesome training runs on Facebook. I had good intentions of training - but life and the weather got in the way. I like to run - just not in the snow of 20 degree weather. I'm committed but not THAT committed. Any way, we made it to mile 7 and I was just gassed out. At that point the mental fatigue was setting in. While I know that Josh would've preferred to to just keep running - because it would be over faster, I did not. I needed to switch to the run5/walk2 combo I had promised myself after I had put in a good effort. And for no training and having had run the day before. 7 miles was a good enough effort for me.
So for the remaining 6 mile of the race we ran/walked. I was having some toe problems so the walking part was giving me enough time to recover and run again. In all honesty if Josh wasn't with me I would've caved and walked a mile or two - but because he was with me I kept up to my combo.
Around mile 9 or 10 we started to see the Marathoners making their way to the second half of their course! I guess one of the perks of being slow is that you get to see the front runners from every race! HAHA!
It was at mile 10 I started talking to Josh about a PR. He said we'd be cutting it close. I debated about it - but in the end said I could do it. I wish I had some miraculous story of how I turned it up a notch and hauled ass to the finish line with my hands raised in the air like I had just won the race - but I don't. I stuck to my same run5/walk2 combo. I had to conserve what little energy I had left. Not to mention the winds when we turned back to make our way to the boardwalk. The wind alone was enough to make me want to give up! But we made the last turn to the ocean front and the finish line was in sight. We had one more final walk break on the boardwalk and that was it - run it in. And we did.
I crossed the finish line at 2:58:10!!!
15 minutes better then my Crawlin Crab time from 2013!
I finally have a sub 3hr Half!
FINISHED!! A cold and windy shot in front of the sand sculpture!
Granted I know that an almost 3hr Half Marathon is slow. I'm happy with it. I'm not sure I'll ever get fast enough to get to a 2hr Half time, but for now I'm content and have set the bar for the next long distance race. Train and run the whole thing.
I think it's a pretty simple and realistic goal.
After we finished we grabbed our goodies, snacks and Dolphin Medal and made our way to the gear check and back to the party tent. I had my eye on a finisher shirt, but because I took so long running - they sold out. :-(
Oh well - next year I'll have to run faster of find a non runner friend to get it for me when they open.
The tent was crowded, Josh and I were cold and didn't really feel like standing around and waiting for a beer, so we headed back to the hotel. Along the way we got to see some of the Marathoners still making their way along the course. Good for them - I have no desire to run a full. 3 hours is my maximum.
After we checked out of the hotel we met up with my sister, her hubby and my adorable nephew for lunch before Josh got back on the road to PA.
Overall it was a great weekend and one I'd like to do again.
But next time actually train.....
Not sure what my next race is going to be....but I've got to start doing some serious speed work to get my time down for the Disney Wine & Dine.
Josh and I were thinking our next half might be the Hershey Park Half in October.
Till then I have my sights set on doing some long runs in preparation for the Broad Street 10 Miler in Philly coming up May 4th.
I'll show off my bling and how I store it next time!
Sorry for such a long post but it was a great weekend!!
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