This past summer I was training for the Rock-n-Roll Philly Half Marathon.
This was to be my redemption race for 2 past races.
One, the Broad Street 10miler that I pushed really hard at but was pretty unsuccessful - even though I did finish - it was just a miserable race for me. (I knew exactly why - I was undertrained - or not trained at all. Either way it was tough.)
And two, the Crawlin Crab for 2013. I felt great that race, but my buddy needed me more so my hopes of a PR just didn't happen. And most days - I'm ok with that. Running for me is about who I'm with, and not always about what I'm achieving. The fact that I can say I've run a bunch of races is pretty much a huge achievement to me.
So all summer long, beginning in early June, I was out running. Usually this happened before I headed off to my summer job. I was up and out the door by 6am - the latest. It was a schedule that I actually stuck to. I even began to notice that I felt like crap if I didn't run. Hmmmm....must be something with those positive endorphins I hear people talk about!!
Somewhere around August a friend of mine told me that they were walking the Crawlin Crab Half and I was more then welcome to join them if I wanted to.
A light bulb went off! Hey! I could get Janet to run the 5k with me, walk the half and then get the awesome challenge medal! You know I LOVE the bling!! Done and done!
So I convinced Janet to run the 5k with me.
She had been looking for a new fitness goal, so it was a win win.
Now I just needed her to train.
While she wasn't getting up and running at 6am with me, she was making an effort, as long as I was with her. For the month of August, we sporadically made some "training" runs. I got the extra "cross training" because I got to push my 30something pound nephew in his stroller while we did our runs.
Not every run was great for her, but she did it.
Most runs, we would finish her portion of the run, and then I would go run another few miles while her and Donnie played on one of the many playgrounds at Ft. Monroe. (Note to self though - don't run past a playground during your run, or you will have a very unhappy 2yr old to push!)
Race weekend came and Janet wasn't as confident in herself as she wanted to be. School for me had started so there wasn't much running time for us, and the house was also plagued with this horrible cold. To say that morale was done would be a correct statement.
However we pushed through and stuck to the interval plan.
It was actually a pretty decent day for a race.
Janet might not have been a fan of my constant motivation and she probably wanted to give in and walk at about mile 1.5, but she did it. She finished.
She stuck to the plan.
And she finished just seconds over where she wanted to be.
So for her first officially timed 5k, I was very proud of her.
And now we have a new PR to meet at a future 5k.
Gineff and I are always looking for new running buddies! The more the merrier!
Oh - and she thought I was crazy for turning around and doing the half the next day! I probably was, but wait till you see the bling!!
Pre-race. She has no idea what's she's getting into!
Traditional post race bling selfie!
Double Trouble BLING!
Added two more to my collection after the half the next day! I swear those challenge medals just keep getting bigger and bigger!